Friday, September 28, 2007


It has been really busy for us this summer... who am I kidding, since Olliver has come. Chris got a new position and has been working almost 60 hours a week! He also is still training for the Columbus Marathon on the 21st of October so he runs a lot...well he's supposed too. Then he is running a 50k in Huntington late December. That's 31 miles~ Annikan is very tiring. He is so very active and quite naughty. His speech is really taking off....he's very curious and loves to repeat things that he hears us say in later conversations. Olliver is still struggling to gain weight but is somewhat crawling...on his head mostly but gets around. He can clap, give 5, pull himself to a stand and say mama. I am still adjusting to life with two and all of Olli's appointments. He has OT every Tuesday, Nutrition every Wednesday and PT every Thursday. Every 3 months he has two appointments at Riley in Indy with Dr. Hamati in Neurology and also at the Developmental Peds unit. He then sees his pediatrician every 2 months for checkups. All of his test have come back clean so that is promising but he is still Failure to Thrive. Frustrating but we are working hard on it. He now weights 13 pounds and 8 ounces. He has a lose a couple weeks ago but has gained it back...he had a virus with projectile puking! Fun.
We are really loving the weather change. Now on our walks Annikan will ride his tricyle. It is cute. He thinks he is really fast.