Saturday, December 08, 2012

It's Tree Time

We started a new family tradition this year and cut our own tree down.  Well, we didn't grow the tree, we just cut it down and purchased it for our own.  We have always gotten a tree the Friday after Thanksgiving, but this year we wanted to build a few more memories and start making a day of it.  We had a good time, despite the cold.  The wind really rips through the fields at Hensler's.  The boys don't believe in Santa, but if yours do, they have a Santa there to talk to.  They also have wreaths and cut trees for purchase.  We are blessed to be gifted a giant wreath for the barn and a normal size one for our house from Grandpa Don.  It is heartwarming to see him bringing them over to our house!  We proudly light the barn for all who pass to see his handiwork.  
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas!