Annikan has had a lot of fun this fall despite the rain. It has been so wet here, and a bit cold. We went to an Octoberfest in Lake Geneva the first weekend in October. It was really fun. We stayed at Joey and Annisa's house. Annikan really enjoys playing with Alea and Jonas, reguardless of the amount of fighting they do. Chris and Annikan also ran in a Beat Breast Cancer 5k Run in Chris' old home town of Albion the next weekend. It was cold as you can tell by the photo but they did well. They came in first in Chris' age group with a time of 19.21. Not too shabby pushing a 30 plus pound stroller! They beat the next runner in their age group by almost 2 minutes. Meanwhile, I am growing like a champ(Anni is kissing the baby). The newest little boy in our family is due in about 6 weeks! Hope everyone is enjoying the fall colors!